Five Terrific Tips For Bloggers
Five Terrific Tips For Bloggers
In trying to discover the greatest tips for blogging, I ultimately selected the ones that kept me going over the years – the ones that inspired me the most. After all, if a tip doesn’t genuinely help insure success it’s not a very good tip. I hope you get as much use out of these as I have.
1. If you have plenty of interests and need several blogs to cover them, consider getting a blogging tool like Windows Live Writer. It will save you a lot of time. You will be able to post directly to the appropriate blog and blogging service from a simple pull down menu. I personally use it to write and post all my drafts, while usually finishing the draft on the blogging service itself.
2. Don’t ever be afraid to be yourself. It’s mighty tempting to go out and look at what other successful bloggers are doing and try to emulate that. But look at any wildly successful person and you will soon discover they are very much themselves, the unique voice they are able to convey to their readers is a major ingredient in their success.
3. You have to genuinely love people. At least for me, the relationships I make with my readers is the big reason I blog in the first place. I have personally been members of certain forums for over a decade because I have friends in there. Look at every post as if you were talking to a dear friend. And when someone invites you to visit their website, go every chance you get. I spend a considerable bit of time every day going to other peoples websites and blogs. When I ask people to respond to my posts, I always appreciate when they give links to their sites or simply links to other resources I didn’t know about. It’s a great opportunity to learn new things and make new friends.
4. Trust your voice. If you think an idea is good then it is good. Your first reaction is usually the best reaction. Never let negativity sneak its ugly head into your opinions. Not everyone will like what you say but who cares? They don’t all have to be zingers. You don’t have to torture yourself like a journalist going for a Pulitzer every time you write a post. There is freedom in blogging. That’s part of the appeal. So play around a little. Vary the length of your posts and mix and match lists like this one with little check-in posts to wish your readers a good day. If you generally wish to convey appreciation to the people who visit you, then just do it. Who doesn’t need a little more positivity in their day?
5. Keep stats for motivation. In a separate place, keep a link to every blog post you have ever written. Laborious? Perhaps. But this can provide a wealth of self encouragement when you need it the most. You might also discover a new slant on a post you have already written, perhaps something you forgot to add in a previous post.