Showing posts with label Google Print. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Print. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Turn a webpage into a pdf

Here is a quick tip on how to turn a webpage into a pdf file. As a bonus, I have included an optional tip on how you can combine multiple pdf's into a single file. There are other ways to do this but this is all free

Google Chrome has the ability to save any webpage as a pdf file but there are several things you need to do to make that happen. If you don't have Google Chrome you can download it here.

1. In Google Chrome, go to the page you want to download. Once there click on the options menu in the upper right corner.
                                                                      look for this
2. Scroll down and click on Print

3. When the new window opens up, look the the left and click change in the destination section.

4. Under the "Local Destination" section, click on save as pdf

5. Rename your file whatever you like and you're done.

Optional Tip

How to combine multiple dpfs into a single dpf

There is a freeware program that can do this for you called PDFbinder. You can download it here. Once installed start it up. Once running, all you have the do is drag all the pdfs you want added into the program and click "bind" If you need the separate dpfs to be in a certain order, as in a multiple page story or a tutorial, be sure they are inserted into dpf binder in the exact order that you need them to be in. If they are not in the correct order you can change the order with the up and down arrows until they are just right.